2024-25 LM Primary PTO Fundraisers

Active Now: Un-Fundraiser



For more information about the Un-Fundraiser, new for 2024-25, read the flier that was in your student's PTO folder, sponsored by Shine Orthodontics, which you received at Meet the Teacher conferences.


If you just can't wait or if you misplaced it, you can view it in our Member Google Drive folder


You can donate here: https://www.lmprpto.org/un-fundraiser



Sept. 16-30: Otis Spunkmeyer Cookie Dough (and more)


This fundraiser has ended. 



Nov. 11-Nov. 22: Art to remember



This fundraiser has ended.



Jan. 27-Feb. 7: Penny Wars



This fundraiser has ended.



Last updated Feb. 13, 2025.